All tagged Podcasts

S3E4: Standup Comedy, TikTok Singer, and Chicago Hip Hop

This week’s episode is one of our classic ‘grab bags’ where we’ll cover a variety of unique topics! Gavin and Sabrina ask Ivan about making his way as a standup comedian, Cameron Goode comes on the show to talk with Priscila, Ivan, and Gio about being a rising TikTok singer, and stick around for Daniel, August, and Houston’s conversation with CJ AKA Youngin’ about the Chicago hip hop scene. 

S3E3: Music Talk

Today’s episode is covering all things music! August and Daniel talk to Joey about musical style and influences. Gio, Priscilla, and Shawn speak with Princexotic (Suchith Karri) about family reactions to musical endeavors. Finally, Stephanie and Taylor sit down with South Chicago’s very own Anaiet Soul (Triana Davis) to learn about coming up as an artist during the 2020 pandemic. 

S3E2: Visual Arts

On this week’s Stuck in your Stereo, we’re diving into the world of visual art! Gavin and Nikhil talk with Ash about their experience as a tattoo artist, Lauren and Tamara speak with Damiane about making murals around the city, and August, Jay, and Ivan learn all about style from fashion student Keoni Anding. 

S3E1: Studying Abroad, Familial Support, and Charity Work

In the season three premiere of the popular student series Stuck in your Stereo, we’re talking coffee preferences, the power of supportive family members, cooking, entrepreneurship, and so much more! Stephanie, Lauren, and Tamara interview Ana about transitioning from Mexico to the U.S.. Shawn and Jordan sit down with Earriana to discuss finding success while coming from a small town. Gio, Priscilla and Houston sit down with Joanna to talk about her small business and charity work. 

Ep5: Barstool, Biotech, and Open Mics

Our fifth episode first features Dylan Catherine and Dylan Case interviewing radio personality Allison Kurnat. They discuss the process behind Allison’s True Crime podcast featured on Barstool Chicago and how college, social media, and community connections helped her get to where she is today. She also shares the writing process and how fans influence a lot of the episodes. Lastly, she shares how being a woman in Barstool proved to be a challenge.

Second, Mia Hillyer interviews Brayden Wetzel about his unique major plant biotechnology at Montana State. Brayden shares why he decided to pursue this major and shares the differences between the school he is attending and Columbia College while visiting a friend. He also answers the question we all have, what do you do in Montana?

Third, Will French interviews Chicago stand-up comedian Tommy Koch where they review his career thus far, the issues behind producing a stand-up set, and the frustration of open mics. He also shares his experience working in the Comedy Studies semester at Second City and his ideal career goals.