All tagged Pop Punk


Feed the Monkeys rose from the ashes of high school cover bands in the Chicago suburbs, pulling inspiration from the likes of Vundabar, Title Fight, Chon, and Jeff Rosenstock to brew their blend of indie-punk in 2018. Feed the Monkeys is slowly gaining a sense of self in the local music scene - without taking themselves all too seriously.

Check out more from Feed the Monkeys on Spotify and TikTok!


In the ever-growing realm of fifth-wave emo, there are bands that make you feel, and bands that make you feel feral. Arcadia Grey does both. With heart-wrenching lyrics and explosive mosh anthems, the Chicago outfit has caught the attention of Alternative Press as well as crowds around the country.

Check out more from Arcadia Grey on Spotify and Apple Music!


Formed by friends in a garage back in 2019, each member of this indie rock band from Joliet, Illinois contributes their own distinct musical style. The group released their debut EP, “The Amateur Hour”, back in 2022 before beginning to write their first full-length album.

Check out Deadbeat Daycare on Spotify and YouTube!