S2E9: Film, AustinTalks, and DJ'ing

S2E9: Film, AustinTalks, and DJ'ing

We kick off this episode with a conversation with Richard Montiel, a hip hop artist. Richard speaks about some of the past and current artists that have influenced his style, the possibilities of branching out beyond rap music, and the evolution of hip hop.

Our second segment features Braeden Long, a visual artist and photography major at Columbia College Chicago. We discuss Braeden’s influences in photo and film, capturing the isolated experience of starting college during the Covid-19 pandemic, and the process of film photography as well as printmaking.

Stick around for our conversation with Adjunct English professor at Columbia College Chicago, Christopher Bower. Chris talks about his involvement with The Curious Theatre Branch, where writers respond to plays with their own original work.

S2E11: Oops! All Songwriting!

S2E11: Oops! All Songwriting!

S2E10: Videography, Music Criticism, and Education

S2E10: Videography, Music Criticism, and Education